In accordance with Principle 23 of the German Corporate Governance Code, the Executive Board and Supervisory Board of adesso SE report annually on the company's corporate governance in the Corporate Governance Declaration pursuant to Sections 289f and 315d of the German Commercial Code (HGB). The Declaration on Corporate Governance and the Corporate Governance Report as well as the wording of the Declaration of Conformity in accordance with Section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) are available in their current versions on the Internet at
Remuneration of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board
In the interests of good corporate governance, adesso creates the greatest possible transparency regarding the structure and level of remuneration of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board. To this end, the Executive Board and Supervisory Board prepare an annual remuneration report in accordance with Principle 26 of the GCGC and the statutory provisions. adesso publishes the remuneration system approved by the Annual General Meeting, the resolution of the Annual General Meeting and the remuneration report together with the auditor's report and the resolution of approval of the Annual General Meeting on the company's website as set out in the corporate governance declaration in accordance with the statutory provisions.
Directors' dealings by executives
In accordance with Art. 19 para. 1 MAR, persons who perform management functions at adesso SE and persons closely related to them must notify adesso SE and the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) of any proprietary transactions involving shares or debt instruments of adesso SE or related derivatives or other related financial instruments. These reports must be made immediately and no later than three business days after the date of the transaction. In accordance with Art. 19 para. 3 MAR, adesso SE ensures that the information contained in such a notification is published within two business days of receipt in accordance with the statutory requirements. In the 2023 reporting year, a total of two transactions were reported, one by a member of the Executive Board and one by a person closely related to a member of the Supervisory Board. One sale and one purchase were reported. We provided information on these transactions throughout Europe by means of notifications in accordance with Art. 19 para. 3 MAR. A list of the notifications received in the financial year and an archive are always available in the Investor Relations section of the website at
Diversity and independence of Supervisory Board members
In accordance with Section 111 (5) AktG, the Supervisory Board of adesso SE resolved at its meeting on 30 June 2022 to set a target quota of women on the Executive Board of at least 16% and on the Supervisory Board of at least 33%. The target quotas were set for the period from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2027. The target quotas of 0% each set for the previous five-year period were achieved and were based on the terms of office of the six members of the Supervisory Board elected by the Annual General Meeting of adesso SE until 2020, all of whom were male. The target quota for the Executive Board was set against the background of the low number of internal and external female candidates and applicants for an Executive Board position with responsibility for operational business areas. The aim was not to expand or change the Executive Board in the area of cross-divisional functions. There is currently one female member of the Executive Board and one female member of the Supervisory Board.
For the first and second management levels below the Executive Board, the Executive Board resolved at its meeting on 22 June 2022 in accordance with Section 76 (4) AktG to set a target of at least 10% for the first management level and 20% for the second management level for the next five-year period. The target figures do not fall below the status quo unless the proportion of women has already reached 30 per cent.
In accordance with Principle 11 of the GCGC, the Supervisory Board is composed in such a way that its members as a whole have the knowledge, skills and professional experience required to properly fulfil their duties and that the statutory gender quota is complied with. In the opinion of the Supervisory Board, a number of at least three independent members is appropriate for the Supervisory Board of adesso SE. There are currently four independent members on the Supervisory Board of adesso SE, namely Stefanie Kemp, Hermann Kögler, Rainer Rudolf and Michael Zorc. This means that more than half of the members of the Supervisory Board can be classified as independent. Prof Dr Volker Gruhn and Dr Friedrich Wöbking are not considered independent of the company and its Executive Board in accordance with the recommendations of the GCGC, as they have been members of the Supervisory Board for more than twelve years.
Transparent accounting and comprehensive reporting
Our consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with the internationally recognised accounting principles of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The standards create a high level of transparency and facilitate comparability with national and international competitors. adesso has a strong interest in comprehensive reporting on financial and non-financial performance indicators, as well as operational developments within the company, in order to provide shareholders with the most well-founded assessment possible of the company's status and potential.
Share option programmes
On 2 June 2015, the Annual General Meeting authorised the Executive Board and - insofar as the members of the Executive Board are concerned - the Supervisory Board to issue up to 500,000 subscription rights for one company share each to employees, managers and members of the Executive Board of adesso SE and to employees and members of the management of affiliated companies as part of a 2015 share option plan (contingent capital 2015). The conditional capital increase is only to be carried out to the extent that subscription rights are issued from the conditional capital as part of the 2015 share option plan by 15 December 2019 and the holders of these subscription rights exercise them within the exercise period, provided that treasury shares are not used to service them. The options can be exercised for the first time 48 months after the respective option issue date. The prerequisite for exercising options is that the closing price of the company's shares on the Frankfurt am Main stock exchange on the day before the start of the respective exercise period is at least 10% higher than the exercise price. A total of 57,448 options have been issued from the contingent capital 2015 since the beginning of 2016. Since 16 December 2019, no further share options can be issued from this programme. Of the options issued, 13,000 had expired. By resolution of the Annual General Meeting on 3 June 2020, the contingent capital 2015 was adjusted with regard to the maximum number of outstanding options still to be serviced from this capital at that time. It was reduced from € 500,000.00 to € 50,000.00. Since the first due date in the 2020 financial year, a total of 34,500 options to subscribe to 34,500 shares from the contingent capital 2015 had been converted by the time this report was prepared. In 2023, the number of options converted totalled 8,000.
On 3 June 2020, the Annual General Meeting authorised the Executive Board or - insofar as the members of the Executive Board are concerned - the Supervisory Board to issue up to 500,000 subscription rights for one share each in the company to employees, managers and Executive Board members of adesso SE and to employees and members of the management of affiliated companies as part of a share option plan 2020 (contingent capital 2020). The conditional capital increase is only to be carried out to the extent that subscription rights are issued from the conditional capital as part of the 2020 share option plan by 15 December 2024 and the holders of these subscription rights exercise them within the exercise period, unless treasury shares are used to service them. The options can be exercised for the first time four years after the respective option issue date. The prerequisite for exercising options is that the closing auction price of the company's shares on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in Xetra trading (or a functionally comparable successor system to the Xetra system) on the day before the start of the respective exercise period is at least 10% higher than the exercise price. Since the first issue in the 2021 financial year, 218,678 options have been granted from the contingent capital 2020 up to the date of this report, of which 74,565 options were granted in the 2023 reporting year.
The company's share capital has therefore been conditionally increased by up to € 515,500.00 by issuing up to 515,500 no-par value bearer shares (no-par value shares) (conditional capital 2015 and 2020).
In accordance with Principle 5 of the GCGC, the Executive Board must ensure compliance with statutory provisions and internal guidelines and work towards their observance within the company (compliance). The internal control system and the risk management system also include a compliance management system aligned with the company's risk situation. adesso SE and its Group companies organise their business and social activities in such a way that compliance with legal requirements and internal Group regulations is ensured at all times. To this end, adesso has implemented a compliance management system. The centrepiece is the Group-wide Code of Conduct. It represents a binding code of conduct for legally compliant behaviour by employees and management based on standards and values. It covers the dimensions of principles, cooperation, integrity, compliance and protection. The Management Board takes appropriate technical, organisational and infrastructural measures to ensure that access to sensitive systems, security zones and critical infrastructure facilities as well as access to critical information and applications is only possible for appropriately authorised employees. The appropriateness of the measures taken is regularly confirmed by the certification of the information security management system in accordance with ISO 27001. A Compliance Officer has been appointed to deal with follow-up authorisation obligations and other issues relating to capital market law. Clear reporting structures have been implemented throughout the Group. A risk inventory is carried out every six months and the results are reported as part of regular publicity. Rules of procedure have been adopted for the work of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board. adesso SE's quality and environmental management was certified in January 2024 as part of a recertification audit. The external audit is an important part of the continuous improvement of adesso's management systems. A good level of maturity of the processes was confirmed.
Internal control system (ICS)
An ICS refers to the principles, procedures and measures (regulations) introduced by management in the company that are aimed at the organisational implementation of management decisions, for example to ensure the effectiveness and profitability of business activities. In addition, compliance with all legal and regulatory obligations is ensured. An effective ICS is necessary to ensure the functionality of all key business processes at adesso. As an integral part of company-wide risk management, the overarching objective of the ICS is to map all material operational and financial corporate risks and reduce them to a level that is acceptable for adesso. The ICS therefore has a preventive and detective function and supports the optimisation of corporate processes. Comprehensive controls, both preventive and detective, have been implemented with regard to the defined risks. These include, among other things
Defined responsibilities
Defined schedules
Separation of functions
Four-eyes principle
Systemic and manual coordination
Security measures for IT systems
Process-integrated measures such as analyses, monitoring and plausibility checks
Preventive controls primarily concern the operational units. These ensure compliance with external and internal requirements. To this end, projects have clear guidelines, uniform standards and responsibilities in all phases. Defined management roles and escalation instances as well as continuous risk management ensure compliance with the requirements. Employees in appropriate roles are assigned according to the scope of the project and ensure software quality. adesso is particularly committed to quality and therefore develops special programmes to promote it, which include not only technical specialisation but also soft skills and certifications such as ISTQB, ITIL, PMI and Oracle Java. Lean processes and the close integration of marketing and sales with consulting and development ensure efficient working methods. To realise software projects, adesso relies on its own process management model called Pragmatic IT Project Management (PITPM), which enables ongoing monitoring and supervision. Projects are monitored in a project management tool through project monitoring. In addition to the operating units, there are functions that monitor risks and actively contribute to risk management by implementing controls to detect risks. These include, in particular, Controlling, Accounting, Legal & Compliance and Risk Management. The Management Board is not aware of any circumstances arising from its involvement with the internal control and risk management system that would jeopardise the appropriateness and effectiveness of these systems.
A current version of the corporate governance declaration in accordance with Section 289f and Section 315d HGB can be found on the adesso website at The full text of the declaration of compliance in accordance with Section 161 AktG can also be found here.