Open brochure

Basic Data


Industry Information Technology (IT-Services/Software)
Market segment Prime Standard / Regulated Market
WKN (security identification number) A0Z23Q
ISIN Code DE000A0Z23Q5
Symbol/Code ADN1
Number of shares 6.522.272 shares
Free float 50.7 %
Trading platform XETRA, continuous
Paying agent DZ BANK AG, Frankfurt am Main

Issue of Shares

First day of trading 21 June 2000
Share class No-par bearer shares
Authorised shares 8,000,000 shares
Issued shares 2,000,000 shares
Subscription period 14-19 June 2000
Price spread EUR 16.00 - EUR 19.00
Issue price EUR 19.00
Initial listing EUR 22.00
Lockup, voluntary 36 months
Managing underwriter WestLB AG
Other underwriting banks Bank J. Vontobel & Co. AG, Sparkasse Essen

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